A solo presentation by Sofi Winther Foge
Salon 75
Peter bangs vej 75, Frederiksberg
Opening 6. March
7/3/2021 - 30/4/2021
Sofi is a worker, daughter, sister, wife and mother from Randers, DK. She constructs sculptures based on emotion and develop concepts through observation. In her works there are elements of set-design, costumes and text which often are combined with non-scripted fiction, choreography and sound. She experiments as a composer and explores the terms and history of layering. Female legacy, human anatomy, neuroscience, sexuality and spirituality are reoccurring themes in her studies.
In late 2019 Sofi established her brand Puer Parasitus; an artistic research investigating art through fashion and exploring contemporary thematics related to parenthood, parasitical tendencies and the maternal bond.
deriving from ‘godsibb’,
a god-sibling,
a gossip,
a close female friend at the birth of a child
white lies lies white
A scold’s bridle, a witch’s bridle, a birthing’s bridle
They bend, they twist, they turn or change
born a witch not a wizard but a sorcerer sadly
Too dangerous for their own good, oh so dangerous,
they even laid with the devil, lol, can u believe
first a healer
then a sex symbol
now a comic;
a nose with a wart
Split community
Soft immunity
No immortality
silence for labor
then the clock
the light, the workers’ rights reproduction
contruction and postpartum
a nuclear narrative
now a phantomous bridle
Who bends and twists and turns and changes
lullabies and bloodproof sheets
a kiss on the forehead by a gossiper’s guide
a gossip like we used to, parent//