Ingen Jury, Ingen Præmier
In this competitive age of time,
where So-Me is in the hands of every walking human being, it is essential to question the rising votation and evaluation among non-professionals.
To compromise, or not to compromise on whether or not we
should expose our honest opinion to one another
7. July - 26. July. 2017
Group exhibition:
Anna Walther (DK)
Frederik Albrecht (DK)
Theodor Nymark (DK)
Photos: Theodor Nymark & Frederik Albrecht

Theodor Nymark Parcelhus i Herlev

Anna Walther Trespasser

Installation view

Frederik Albrecht Timeless Zones and Fractured Bones

Theodor Nymark The City Is Your Forest Now (1#, 2#)
Anna Walther Chamber of Amber
Frederik Albrecht Untitled (He)
Frederik Albrecht Riot Kit Deluxe 2017
Theodor Nymark Untitled (Facial Study)
Outdoor view