Salon 75 presents and hosts the stage and performance platform - Warm Little Pond - for the first edition of Juxtapose Art Fair in Aarhus, Denmark 20. August — 22. August 2021.
The enclosed stage, constructed by generic stage podiums, is a melting pot (or pond) for performative practices of any graspable kind. The programming will consist of a variety of performances within the fields of dance, visual art, music, lectures, theatre and a symbiosis of all of them together. Durations, formats and categorization will not be acknowledged as valid points of curation and the stage will embrace a performance in flux.
As the platform appropriates its title from a quote by Charles Darwin describing the primordial soup, it likewise reflects on the warm little pond as the initial point of generation, conception and the origination of primitive bodies. Bodies that perform frantically for their survival as primitive organisms in the heated soup of life.
The warm little pond is a speculative notion of an electric heated pool of which all life began. Not from other mammals or sentient beings, but from the friction of simple cells. The warm little pond may be the pot from which we all were cast, and could…potentially…be the place where we will be melted back into the sheer heat or energy once again.
Friday 20th August
17.00 PM
Josefine Struckmann & Sabine Kongsted
“LOST WIZARD SLEEPING IN TRASH” 2021Scene from "Lost Wizard & Stray Nun"
An off-road Wizard is looking for recognition. As no one acknowledges her magic she sleeps in trash.
The performance is a tableau vivant and a scene from a video project in progress called "Lost Wizard & Stray Nun"
Both videos portray two archetypes, a Wizard and a Nun.
By using humor, absurdity and the "theatrical school play comedy " aesthetics, the two videos aim to express emotions such as unworthiness, sadness, heartbreaks and other unavoidable human conditions.
19.45 PM
Snorre Elvin
“Sliving In My Miss Sixties” 2021walk invibrate throughcurve upmelt downpour outwalk away
Sliving In My Miss Sixty is a performative manifestation that comes from a research on how to become a mermaid of the collective water we, all living organisms, share and carry within. The performance consist of a dance that moves through different states of being that all deal with sensual presence and liquid becomings.
Choreography and performance: Snorre Elvin
Costumes: Alecsander Rothchild
Thanks to Peter Scherrebeck and Camilla Lind for artistic input.
20.30 PM
Annie Hägg & Hannes Ferm
“Deus Ex” 2021Hannes Ferm and Annie Hägg are two artist that has been working together frequently for the last 5 years. Their practices both include storytelling as a way of articulating how characteristics of contemporary societal changes affect our perception of reality and emotional states, how they manifest in the mind and the body. The performance at Juxtapose will be constituted of recollections from a place situated in the midst of these changes, exploring the borders between binaries that are beginning to dissolve; virtuality and reality, work and leisure, fiction and fact.
21.10 PM
Camilla Lind & Heva Vaupel
“Come-Hither, Yours Truly” 2021Come-hither, Yours Truly
They swim they fly they fly they dive
G: What is your first name?
They fake it until they make it
T: Tool, what's yours?
They sing with ease and love to order a happy meal
G: Mine is Geni, Tool and Geni! I'm so happy to have met you! I have a feeling about you, that you are good with feelings.
They eat with pride and sleep every second night
T: I guess so, I like to know about them at least.
almost like I can not not keep on asking u know?
They put makeup on their eyes while walking to the next bar
G: Yes that was my feeling about you, exactly that. that you like to work at it.
They meet up with friends and talk without ever taking a breath
T: Wauw thank u for seeing that, i am very impressed, we just met!, I feel like u are the one dicking now. haha, like meta analysing.
Their diaphragm is wicked as hell, they play the flute like no one else would
G: Hahahaa. yay why not, i am a people person too hahah.
Oh that sound with the harp and the wings to fly, oh it could melt even the most cynical heart.
Saturday 21th August
12.00 PM
Naja Zethner
“Self Titled” 2021In the performance Self Titled, two paintings are placed on separate easels on the
stage, beside each other.
13.00 PM
Marina Dubia
"The Wisdom That I Seek Has Been Found In The strangest Places" 2021 |
Therese Bülow & Olga Kristine Stage “A Call For Dea” 2021
High heels on concrete floor. Hot water. Four characters in one big hall. Each in their own track of course. Shrrriillll. One call the other. A whistle responds and they join each other for a walk. As a pause between work. A time to play out the cat, the peeing dog. A moment for the two of them, before they again split up. Going towards a new field of character work.
17.00 PM
Sara Sjölin & Søren Rye
“Selma og Louise” 2021
19.00 PM
Ville Laurinkoski
“Teleny” 2020, 2021Sunday 22nd August
13.00 PM
Sally Dalgaard
Til Juxtapose 2021 vil jeg, som led i et større stykke forskningsarbejde, udføre en række eksperimenter på nullermænd. Nogle af disse har tidligere været udført i Tyskland, mens andre er helt nye. Mine studier af fænomenet nullermænd, som er påbegyndt i 2020, består både af teoretiske og praktiske tilgange. Arbejdet har bl.a. involveret omfattende research, indsamling af empiri, udarbejdelse af statistikker og generering af forskellige slags tekst. Alle disse forskellige metoder har kontinuerligt informeret og påvirket hinanden, og et udvalg af materialet vil også være tilgængeligt ved forespørgsel. Men af hensyn til arrangementets format bliver det altså primært udførelsen af eksperimenter som vil finde sted på Juxtapose.
14:45 PM
Niels Munk Plum
“SAY” 2021SAY is a staging of language applied as a poetic tool in a slurry misuse blurring the lines between meaning and translation. The poetic monologue will unfold in a dialectic form co-piloted with a musical soundtrack and movement. Acts of improvisation will destabilize the planned experience, and as such challenge the “skill”of the artist. SAY is a cyclic display of words and movement transforming a performance from narrative to a material in the research to see how we can address and subvertthe use of logic imbedded within language towards the aim of communication.
15.45 PM
Nana Dahlin
“Lalangue” 2021The work Lalangue by Nana Dahlin is a sonic/vocal/sculptural performance. It deals with language and speech as something synthetic, elusive, glittery, and potentially toxic. The voice and the vocal production of sound and meaning are the main components of the music composition in which we experience a polyphony of voices in search of melody and how they eventually end up gossiping instead... "The house is on fire!", "They killed the bluebird!", etc.
16.45 PM
Claus Haxholm
"Formgivning/Boiling Frog/Tærsklen" 2021
Igennem en art auditiv Terraforming, danner Haxholm et opbrudt og svært ugennemsigtigt, fugtigt lydlandskab der lader sanserne stå i en umage og komplex afbalancering mellem det ufrivilligt søvndyssende og skarpe kanter af atonale klange og optagelser.
17.40 PM
Michiel Tange
Shape Shifter is a physical performance bases on an installation of suspended objects, without any obvious connection. The performer is trying to make sense of the situation while becoming a part of it. A continuously transforming silhouette depicts our need to constanly change our phisical reality.

General schedule
Juxtapose Art Fair opening hours
Friday, August 20th: 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday, August 21st: 10:00am - 8:00pm
Sunday, August 22nd: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Opening Ceremony
Friday, August 20th from 6:00pm
Welcome by Jacob Juhl, founder and co-organizer of Juxtapose Art Fair
Opening speech by Line Sandvad Mengers, director of Aarhus Center for Visual Art (maternity cover)
Awarding of BKF’s annual prize for outstanding Danish artist-run exhibition spaces, presented by BKF chairman Nis Rømer
Awarding of the BAUHAUS Prize to the winner of Juxtapose Art Fair’s architecture competition